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Boost a Preschooler’s Sense of Belonging

A sense of belongingness is extremely important for all human beings, whether in the home, a community, or in a physical space. This is what makes us feel safe and accepted, which is critical to developing positive relationships and opening up to new experiences.   When it comes to children, we must help them belong to

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Importance of Community in Early Childhood Development and Education  

Community involvement can make a significant positive difference in all facets of human life. One of the greatest examples of the impact of community on our society can be seen in the field of early childhood development and education. Children grow physically, intellectually, and emotionally through their community as well as relationships. It is possible

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Is Attachment Parenting Right for Your Child?   

In recent years, we have seen the emergence of many different parenting methodologies and attachment parenting is one approach that has gained a lot of attention. It encourages creating strong connections between parents and their children and involves practices such as baby-wearing, co-sleeping, immediate responsiveness to the needs of a child, etc. While many parents

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Importance of Movement-based Learning in Early Childhood  

Many modern-day educators suggest that the development of a child requires establishing a connection between the mind and the body because before learning with their brains, children start learning with their bodies. This is why teachers and parents need to provide them with the freedom, environment, and space to support adequate physical movement for them.  

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Effective Tips for Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Emotional intelligence may be referred to as a set of skills related to monitoring an individual’s own as well as other’s emotions, and the ability to guide one’s thoughts and actions using these emotions. Studies suggest that emotions are critical to our memory, attention, and learning. It also impacts our physical and mental health, and

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How to Use Drawing Lessons as a Part of Early Childhood Education  

Drawing is often looked upon as a recreational activity for children. However, in reality, this is an integral component of the development of our children. Many of you may have seen your kids draw some extremely elaborate pictures. Drawing is a very important outlet for children, particularly the ones who have yet to acquire the

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